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  • Writer's pictureKenjay Reyes

Save the Best for Last

I must say that this semester could be the toughest among the previous years we had in the college. Being handled by Ar. Baño for two subjects could be something difficult as he has been known to give complex architectural problems that require critical thinking to solve. This semester is a challenge, and therefore we should strive more as we move forward.

First day to first week of school gave us the setbacks from our procrastination back in the previous semestral breaks. Something I like about him, as it will heat the pencils and initially open up the doors of the new beginnings. I honestly feel excited than frightened having this subject as I am eager to face new challenges for new learning experiences.

Ar. Baño gave us a brief overview of what are to expect from his subject and his way of teaching us. For the record, it will be our first time to have him as a professor, so we are somehow heedless to see what's coming. Hence, seven sketches a week seems a boiled egg every morning that is hard to beat. I have said this because I enjoy sketching as a past time, both academically and professionally. I was just wondering whether what style, in particular, shall I use to produce these sketches to fit his taste?

I expect much from him, and I want to learn more from him. The experiences he used to have, and the application of all these experiences to the actual manner of architecture. My beliefs look forward upon his visions and that is where true learning comes in - when both parties got mutual understandings of a common goal.

To sum it up, I am confident that the last semester will be challenging and fruitful as it faces more complex problems and more difficulties. They say that it will be hard, but I say it will be worth the effort and therefore save the best for last.

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